
Message from the CEO

At NOS, we view Sustainability as a strategic factor and inseparable from the development of our Organization and our Business.

Our engagement is endorsed at the very highest level of the Organization and is reflected in a range of initiatives at a national and global level which we have joined up to over the years, and to which we remain committed, such as the United Nations Global Compact or the Digital With Purpose movement, led by the GESI (Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative). All the initiatives that we embrace have underlying principles and commitments of responsible behavior from an ethical, environmental and social viewpoint.

We pledge to be an active agent in the digital and climate change transition of Portuguese society. Climate change and the direct impact of our operations on the environment are factors of great concern. NOS won approval from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for its objectives to reduce greenhouse gases, and we have been working consistently not only to reduce our carbon footprint, but also to develop new digital solutions which allow our customers to reduce their emissions.

We believe that only socially responsible companies, which work proactively to fight climate change and to develop inclusive, fair and diverse communities, will create value in the long term and, at the end of the day, prosperity for all stakeholders.

As a key player in the Portuguese business and technological eco-system, we play a fundamental role in promoting more sustainable practices, with the ambition to transform lives through digitalization, ensure access to new generation networks for everyone and promote programs of digital literacy and competence, which will help consumers and businesses to take the maximum advantage of this potential for transformation.

NOS’ contribution is based on a structure of management and responsible governance, where a culture of meritocracy, diversity and inclusion, recognition of the value of the individual and the continuous development of our talent base, prevail.

With this Sustainability Policy, we wish to make clear and explicit our commitment to a model of sustainable development. In conjunction with our staff, customers, shareholders, investors, suppliers, partners, government and regulatory bodies, industry, third sector organizations and society in general, we want to explore new opportunities, contributing towards a better future for everyone that promotes prosperity and creates social, environmental and economic change, optimizing processes and improving the capabilities of people and organizations.

Miguel Almeida