Increasing the resilience of our activity
We are increasing the resilience of our business to the impacts of climate change, especially our technical infrastructure, by integrating and strengthening specific measures in processes of business continuity.
We continually test different resilience scenarios to evaluate the response capability of our network and systems in the case of a fault, disturbance or external event; we have improved contingency procedures for exceptional meteorological situations, in conjunction with the Portuguese Maritime and Atmospheric Institute (IPMA); we have systematized the identification of technical installations in locations with a high risk of fire; we have increased our energy autonomy for critical installations and we have improved solutions for alerting the population using the NOS network in order to reduce processing time for sending messages.
Risks and Opportunities from climate change
In 2020, we began to take part in the survey of the CDP Climate Change program, which evaluates in detail the way in which companies are responding to the risks and opportunities that climate change pose to their businesses.
In this context, we also carried out a detailed analysis of the risks and opportunities, using the system of classification and guidelines defined by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), preparing at the same time to adopt the respective recommendations in future issues of our documents and accounts.