Corporate Governance

General Meeting of Shareholders




April 11 2025 | 15h30

Exclusively by telematic means

Notice to Convene

Find here the notice convening the General Meeting, which is scheduled to take place on 11 April 2025.


Item One: To decide on the Integrated Annual Report, which includes the Integrated Management Report (management report and consolidated non-financial statement), Consolidated and Individual Financial Statements and Corporate Governance Report (which includes the remuneration report) and other accounting documents, for the financial year 2024;

Integrated Annual Report - ESEF Version
Integrated Annual Report - Non ESEF Version
2024 in Review

Item Two: To decide on the proposed profit allocation and distribution of the fiscal year 2024;

Item ThreeTo decide on the assessment of the management and supervision bodies of the Company;

Item Four: To decide on the amendment of article 4(1) and (2) of the Articles of Association, for the specific purpose of reformulating the equity headings, including the reinforcement of funds that may be classified as distributable, by reducing share capital by €597,587,200.80 (five hundred and ninety-seven million, five hundred and eighty-seven thousand, two hundred euros and eighty cents), reducing the nominal value of each share from the current €1.66 (one euro and sixty-six cents) to €0.50 (fifty cents), without changing the number of shares or the net worth;

Item Five: To decide on the granting of authorisation to the Board of Directors for the acquisition and sale of own shares by the Company and its subsidiaries;

Item Six: To decide on the granting of authorisation to the Board of Directors for the acquisition and sale of own bonds by the Company and its subsidiaries;

Item Seven: To decide on the election of the members of the Board of Directors, Statutory Independent Audit Board and Board of the General Shareholders' Meeting for the three-year mandate period of 2025-2027; (Annex);

Item Eight: To decide on the appointment of the Remuneration Committee for the three-year mandate period of 2025/2027 and on its remuneration; (Annex);

Item Nine: To decide on the proposal to amend the remuneration policy for members of the Company's management and supervisory bodies, as presented by the Remuneration Committee.

Preparatory Information

Find here the preparatory information for the Shareholders General Meeting.

Guide for Shareholders and Representatives – Participation via Telecommunication Means

Find here the Webex guide.

Find here the guide for electronic voting during the meeting.

Participation forms and Ballot Paper

Find here the Declaration for the Financial Intermediary.

Find here the Letter of Representation.

Find here the Grouping Letter.

Find here the Ballot Paper.

Electronic Voting

Access here to vote electronically