5G in the service of the environment and society
The characteristics of 5G technology means that it can be a driver of all other emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the IoT, automation and robotics, digitalization and big data, among others.
5G plays the role of main enabler in accelerating technological transformation and it has the potential of contributing towards the resolution of current environmental and social dilemmas, and in particular SDO (Sustainable Development Objective) 13 relating to the fight against climate change.

We invest in innovation
With a total investment of 67 million, we lead the list of Portuguese companies that invested the most in Research and Development in 2019 and 2020, as reported by the Portuguese government Department of Statistics for Education and Science (DGEEC).
This sum was mainly spent on the evolving new generation networks, including a strategy for leadership of 5G, digital solutions in net, TV and mobile, and also advanced analytics and industrial case studies for intelligent cities.
We develop innovative solutions that reduce consumption and emissions
We want to help companies to be more efficient and productive, at the same time as they reduce their carbon emissions.
Our portfolio of business solutions include virtualization solutions: for telephone switchboards, which reduce consumption of materials and the generation of waste; for energy management which lowers consumption in buildings and vehicle fleets; for working together and working from home, which means lower travelling and lodging costs; and also centralized data processing solutions, which increase security and energy consumption efficiency.
We develop projects that create value
We guarantee public financing for various innovation projects (a total of 9), submitted for consideration since 2019 to the Portugal 2020 Program, co-financed by the European Commission.