
We adopt the market best practices
Our performance is continuously monitored and assessed through performance indicators and an audit programme. We invest in the certification of processes in order to guarantee the highest quality the products and services we provide and the satisfaction of all the stakeholders.


Within the NOS Group, the companies certified in the field of quality and environment, according to the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards, are NOS SGPS S.A., NOS Comunicações S.A., NOS Inovação S.A., NOS Sistemas S.A., NOS Technology S.A., NOS Corporate Center S.A., and NOS Wholesale S.A. This corresponds to the certification of 7 companies within the group, covering 90%* of the employees of the NOS Group.

NOS Comunicações is also certified under the ISO 45001:2018 standard in the scope of Occupational Health and Safety (1).

In the realm of information security, according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard, the certified companies within the NOS Group are NOS Comunicações S.A. (2), NOS Corporate Center S.A., NOS Wholesale S.A., and NOS Sistemas S.A. (3). Additionally, NOS Comunicações S.A. is also certified under the ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 standard (4).

Check the certificates below:

Safety and Health at Work
Information Security
Service Management


(1) The scope of this certification is the Development, Marketing and Management of the Customer Service of Corporate Products and Services.
(2) The scope of this certification are the business process related to installation, activation, fulfillment of service requests, account management, billing and charging for telco customers (Customer Journey), in the market segments: Consumer (B2C) and Business (B2B).
(3) The scope of this certification are the security process associated with the NOS Data Center services (Housing Services).
(4) The scope of this certification is the Service Management System of NOS supporting the provision of Telecommunications, ICT and Managed Services to B2B customers in accordance with the service catalogue, from Lisbon and Oporto operational centers.

*data related to December 31, 2022