PWN Partnership
PWN is a professional association, the goal of which is to create, carry out and develop all kind of activities aimed at promoting and highlighting the professional role of Women in the job market. NOS has joined this movement with the objective of recognizing and leveraging the engagement and development of women at NOS, giving nominated members access to networking breakfasts and role model initiatives involving benchmark personalities from a wide range of sectors in the Portuguese business community.

Women's Empowerment Principles
NOS has subscribed to the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a set of guiding principles for the promotion of gender equality in organizations, the market, and the community.This subscription is in line with the principle of equal opportunities for all our people, which plays a vital role in NOS' human resources strategy, being intrinsically related to the evolution, growth, and diversification of our business.

e-talk “Let's talk about diversity and technology”
We held an e-talk to debate the relevance of diverse teams for technology development, the challenges that companies and universities face to attract women to technological areas and how NOS can differentiate itself in attracting and retaining technological profiles. The debate was led by Henrique Zacarias, Director of Information Services at NOS and included the participation of Inês Santos Silva, from Portuguese Women in Tech, Filipa Carvalho, Executive Director and member of the Diversity & Inclusion committee and Judite Reis, Director of Mobile Centric at NOS.

Awareness Session on Diversity, Inclusion and Unconscious Bias
In order to raise awareness and challenge reflection on the topic, we invited our leaders to participate in a conversation about Diversity, Inclusion and Unconscious Bias. The session was attended by more than 350 participants.

Celebration International Women's Day 2021
As part of International Women's Day, we shared a video with the testimony of three female employees working in technology about what led them to the world of technology, what it means to be a woman in technology and what it means to be a woman at NOS.

Portuguese Women in Tech
NOS has partnered with Portuguese Women in Tech, PWIT, through the second edition of its mentoring program to promote the attraction of more women to the world of technology and to leadership positions.

Target Gender Equality
Target Gender Equality is a United Nations program, which aims to accelerate gender equality in companies that already subscribe to the UN Global Compact initiative. This program proposes to assist companies to set and achieve ambitious goals for the representation and leadership of women in organizations. NOS subscribed to this program in order to enable equal opportunities within the organization and ensure that all our employees have an equal and meritocratic treatment.

Portuguese Charter for Diversity
NOS subscribed to the Portuguese Charter for Diversity, an initiative of the European Commission, which consists of a document signed, on a voluntary basis, by employers from various sectors (public sector, for-profit and non-profit private sector) and which describes concrete measures that can be taken to promote diversity and equal opportunities at work regardless of cultural, ethnic, and social origin, sexual orientation, gender, age, physical characteristics, personal style and religion.

Girls in ICT Day
“Girls in ICT Day” is an initiative promoted by the Engineers for a Day project, which aims to raise awareness among young women about career opportunities in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Information Technology, demystifying the idea that these areas are for men. NOS has been participating in initiative through the testimony of several female employees working in the area.

Engineers for a Day
In order to combat the segregation of men and women in certain professional areas, namely STEM, and to combat gender stereotypes and the subsequent sexual segregation in school, training and professional options, NOS participates in the “Engineers for a day” initiative , promoted by the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality.

Girl Move Academy
NOS supported this project with communication services in 2016 and 2017, and in 2018 and 2019 has welcomed two young Mozambicans for a two-month internship. These internships allowed the consolidation of knowledge, techniques and forms of work organization for the young participants.

Diversity@NOS Study
As a starting point for the design of practices and policies in the field of diversity, gender equality and conciliation of personal, family and professional life, we conducted a qualitative study of our employees, which included 24 focus groups and 12 individual interviews, distributed through Lisbon and Porto. Diversity@NOS Study allowed to know, in greater detail, the vision and expectations of our employees in this area, having provided strong and credible foundations for the future.

“Women in Portugal Today”
We invited the renowned researcher Laura Sagnier to present the pioneering study “Women in Portugal Today” to our employees and discuss the role of men and women in the Portuguese society.