Message from the CEO
“The 2024 results, in the year we celebrated NOS’s 10th anniversary, were the company’s best ever, with solid growth in revenues, EBITDA, and net profit before extraordinary effects.
It was a year of achievements, during which we maintained our leadership in 5G, expanded our FTTH coverage, and strengthened our unique value proposition, based on technological superiority, innovation, and the building of close and trusted relationships.
The significant investment we have made over the past years, along with our relentless focus on continuously improving the quality of the services we provide to families, businesses, and institutions, continues to be recognised by our customers, underpinning the record-breaking results achieved.
The company’s recent trajectory validates the strategy we have set and allows us to face the future—one that will be extremely challenging—with confidence, reinforcing our commitment to creating value for our customers, partners, employees, and the country.”
Miguel AlmeidaChief Executive Officer ​