How to cancel your services

At NOS, we are dedicated to continuously improving our services by introducing new offerings and leveraging advanced technology. 

If you require assistance in exploring alternative options that might better suit your needs, or if you wish to proceed with the cancellation, please enter your phone number below. Our dedicated team is available to speak with you for free and is always ready to assist you.

What you need to know

Life changes, and so can your service. Help us find the best solution for you.

Talk with a NOS specialist to find the best solution

The quickest and most convenient way to find out if we have a better solution for you or how to cancel your services, is speaking with someone from our specialized helpline.

If you are still within the loyalty period, canceling may incur additional costs

Please check in your contract if you are still within your loyalty period.

If you cancel your service before the end of this period, you may need to pay a value that varies depending on the offers you received and the remaining months of the contract.

If you are within the loyalty period, you can check the amount to be paid in the my NOS app or customer area. Our expert will also give you this information.

Don't forget to submit the cancellation request on time

Based on the information provided by the NOS specialist, including the estimated amount to be paid and the service deactivation date, among others, you will need to submit a written cancellation request to us.

The final bill will depend on the date you formalized the cancellation. If you cancelled within 10 days before the end of the billing period (which you can check on your bill), your services will be active for an additional month. For example, if the billing period ends on January 20th, to avoid paying for an extra month, you must submit the cancellation request by January 10th.

Once we receive the written cancellation document, we will send you an SMS to your primary number within 3 business days, confirming the reception and scheduling of deactivation date of your services.

Return the devices that belong to NOS

You have a 30-day period after the service deactivation to return the devices that belong to NOS. If you fail to do so, you will be required to pay compensation for the unreturned devices.


Can I cancel without using the phone?

The easiest way to cancel your service is to ask for a free call from someone on our specialized team. Alternatively, you can call 931 699 000 or 16990 and choose the Deactivation option.

Alternatively, you can make the request in person or by mail.

Gather the following documents:

  • Contract Termination Request Form. This form must be signed by the person in whose name the contract is held, and the signature must match the one on your identification document;
  •  Copy of an identification document with a signature. If you do not want to send a copy of the document, you can only send the termination form. In that case, your signature must be notarized or certified by a lawyer. Alternatively, you can visit a store and fill out the Personal Data Confirmation Form with the presentation of your identification document.

The documents can be:

  • sent through our email form by selecting the option "Enviar documentos para cessação contratual"
  • delivered at a NOS Store 
  • sent by post mail to Apartado 52111, EC Campo Grande, 1721-501 Lisboa.
Can I cancel without costs during the loyalty period?
You will not have to pay to cancel before the end of the loyalty period, if the person in whose name the contract is held:
  • passed away - the representative must send the death certificate
  • is absent from their residence due to long-term incapacity, prolonged illness, or dependency on care provided or to be provided by a third party, such as moving to a nursing home, and we receive proof of their entry into the nursing home or other supporting documents;
  • becomes permanently or temporarily unable to work for a duration exceeding 60 days, such as due to illness, resulting in a monthly income loss of more than 20%. In this case, they must present their multi-purpose medical disability certificate, medical leave certificate, or declaration from the Social Security and the bank proving their situation;
  • becomes unemployed due to termination by the employer for reasons not attributable to the employee, resulting in a monthly income loss of more than 20%. They must provide documents from the Social Security and the bank proving their situation;
  • enters into insolvency and provide the insolvency declaration issued by the court;
  • resides in a location where our service is no longer available - for exemple due to an accident or natural disaster, confirmed by the fire department or the police;
  • is evicted from her home or receives an eviction order, and provides us proof issued by the National Renting Office or the court's ruling;
  • is a victim of domestic violence and provides proof issued by the PSP (Public Security Police) or GNR (National Republican Guard);
  • changes her residence to a location where NOS cannot provide the contracted service or an equivalent service in terms of characteristics and price at the new address;
  • changes her residence outside the national territory and provides a work contract or a certificate of the new residence as proof;
  • is absent from her residence due to serving a prison sentence, and provides a copy of the final court judgment;
  • is without service for a period exceeding 15 days after reporting the situation, and the reason is not attributable to the end-user.

If  I am in any of these situations, what should I do?

  1. Call 931 699 000 or 16990 and choose the Deactivation 
  2. Gather the following documents:
    • Contract Termination Request. This form must be signed by the person in whose name the contract is held, and the signature must match the one on her identification document
    • A document dated within the last 90 days that proves the situation you are in and allows you to terminate the contract
    • Copy of an identification document with a signature. If you prefer not to send a copy of the document, you can send only the termination form. In that case, your signature must be notarized or certified by a lawyer. Alternatively, you can visit a store and fill out the Personal Data Confirmation Form with the presentation of your identification document.
  3. Submit the documents:
    • Through our electronic form, choosing the option "Enviar documentos para cessação contratual"
    • At a NOS Store
    • By sending them via post mail to Apartado 52111, EC Campo Grande, 1721-501 Lisboa.
Can I temporarily suspend the contract?
You can request the temporary suspension of services and avoid paying the contract's monthly fee if the person in whose name the contract is held:
  • is absent from their residence due to incapacity, prolonged illness, or dependence on care provided by a third party, such as moving to a care facility (e.g., nursing home), and you provide proof of their admission to the facility or other relevant documentation;
  • moves abroad and can provide a work contract or a certificate of residence in the new country;
  • no longer has access the service is provided, confirmed by a report from the fire department or the police;
  • is absent from their residence due to imprisonment, providing a copy of the final court sentence;
  • is on sick leave, providing a medical certificate or a declaration from the Social Security;
  • gets unemployed, providing documentation from the Social Security.

If  I am in any of these situations, what should I do?

  1. Call 931 699 000 or 16990 and choose the Deactivation
  2. Gather the following documents:
    • Contract Termination Request. This form must be signed by the person in whose name the contract is held, and the signature must match the one on her identification document
    • A document that proves the situation you are in and allows you to terminate the contract
    • Copy of an identification document with a signature. If you prefer not to send a copy of the document, you can send only the termination form. In that case, your signature must be notarized or certified by a lawyer. Alternatively, you can visit a store and fill out the Personal Data Confirmation Form with the presentation of your identification document.
  3. Submit the documents:
    • Through our electronic form, choosing the option "Enviar documentos para suspensão temporária"
    • At a NOS Store
    • By sending them via post mail to Apartado 52111, EC Campo Grande, 1721-501 Lisboa.
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