Contractual exceptions

If you want to know how to cancel your NOS contract, here is everything you need to know.

We might also be able to find you a better solution, just get in touch:



You will not have to pay to cancel your contract if the person whose name the contract is registered in is in one of these situations:

  • Passed away
  • Long term illness
  • Unemployment/Insolvency
  • Eviction order/Natural disasters
  • Victim of domestic violence
  • Relocation/No service available
  • Move abroad
  • Go to prison


We are here to help with any questions you may have about the cancelation documents, choose the option Call me.

What should you do in this case?

There are a few steps involved:

  1. Gather the following documentation:
    • Contract Termination Form.This form must be signed by the person in whose name the contract is held, and the signature must match the one on their identification document;
    • A document with an issuance date of 90 days or less that proves your current situation and allows you to cancel the contract;
    • A copy of an identification document with a signature. If you do not wish to send a copy of your identification document, you may send only the Contract Termination Form. In this case, your signature must be notarized or certified by a lawyer. Alternatively, you can visit a store and complete the personal data confirmation by presenting your identification document.
  2. Submit the documents through the electronic form and select the option Enviar documentos para cessação contratual.

If you want to know how to temporarily suspend your NOS contract, here is everything you need to know.

We might also be able to find you a better solution, just get in touch:



You will not have to pay to temporally suspend your contract if the person whose name the contract is registered in is in one of these situations:

  • Medical leave
  • Absence of residence: Disability, Long-Term Illness, Moving to a nursing home
  • Unemployment/Insolvency
  • Eviction order/Natural disasters
  • Move abroad
  • Go to prison

We are here to help with any questions you may have about the temporary suspension documents, choose the option Call me.

What should you do in this case?

There are a few steps involved:

  1. Gather the following documentation:
    • Temporary Suspension Form. This form must be signed by the person in whose name the contract is held, and the signature must match the one on their identification document.
    • A document with an issuance date of 90 days or less that proves your current situation and allows you to temporally suspend the contract
    • A copy of an identification document with a signature. If you do not wish to send a copy of your identification document, you may send only the Temporary Suspension Form. In this case, your signature must be notarized or certified by a lawyer. Alternatively, you can visit a store and complete the personal data confirmation by presenting your identification document.
  2. Submit the documents through the electronic form and select the option Enviar documentos para suspensão temporária.